Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Not Your Average Super Hero

When I was thinking of super heroes this morning, the first thing that popped in my mind was Care Bears! Yes, that cartoon we all watched as kids and some while still in their diapers. They are the most adorable bears and I enjoyed every minute watching the show. And they sure made an impact; I still remember them vividly till today so that says something doesn’t it?

So while Superman and Batman combats evil with their underwear worn out, the Care Bears who lives in a city in the sky named Care-A-Lot, take a gentler, loving approach to things. Their job is to keep watch over the earth to keep bad feelings at bay. Whenever a kid is feeling down, they are there to help bring a smile to the child's face. They are alerted to problems by the Care-O-Meter. No violence is involved when it comes to warding off their enemies. What they do is to unite and use the Care Bear Stare to beam good energies at their enemies, such as No Heart, Professor Cold Heart, Shrieky, and Beastly. Non violence, now that’s something we should be teaching kids these days.

These cuddly, adorable bears made solid companions to me as I was growing up. Mum used these super heroes on TV to distract me from disturbing her while she cooks dinner. Smart technique huh. I think every kid should have a Care Bear with them. That way, no more being scared of what’s under the bed, the shadows lurking in the dark and walking alone in the middle of the night to the toilet to pee. It would be every parent’s wish come true. Yeah, Care Bears in reality would be awesome!!

There are 10 Care Bears in all. My favourite is Cheer Bear who bears the Rainbow symbol. If you want to know which Care Bear character resembles you, take the quiz *here*

The post is part of Nuffnang’s Exclusive Screening of Hancock. To win a free ticket, all you have to do is to write a blog entry titled ‘Not Your Average Super Hero’ and write about any super hero in reality would be. For more information, visit the website.

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