I don’t club all that much but when I do, my favourite place is Loft@ Zouk. Everyone there practically lives in their own world. Loft becomes the centre of the universe uniting all individual planets together in one space sharing their love for music, fun and dance.

Ah Sha and II see people dressed in all sorts of outfits, you can spot the fashionistas, the funky, the weird, the afros, the hip-hoppers, the sixties and just about anything you can imagine here. It’s like a mini world from all sorts of generation and future fashion statements. And the best part is you look cool no matter what you wear, just jeans and a t-shirt will do and you will fit right in. That’s what I like so much about the place. Individualism sense of style and dressing prevails here and no one cares what you’re wearing. Like I said, you will somehow look cool anyways.
Music is the binding force and glue to the place and if you like music enough, the pleasure exudes will be one of orgasmic force. I’m only there on Fridays to catch Twilight Actiongirl (TAG) consisting of DJs Bunga, Chaseylain (Keropok’s brother btw), Ribut 10:59 and Xu. The description of their music is Britpop, eletroclash, transientrockamuchasomthinboutmary but music is too broad to define so here’s how I put it. They share a passion for every genre so us Lofters can expect plenty of surprises when they play music. From The Killers and Franz Ferdinand to James Brown to Miss Kittin, everyone’s bound to get their music fix whenever Twilight Actiongirl is behind the decks.
DJ Chaseylain in Action
Xu’s my darling among all because he churns out the best electronica tunes, very my taste of music. Non-Lofters should never ever see me when he plays a familiar tune coz I would be screaming my lungs away, singing, swaying, jumping up and down like an Energizer Bunny and ultimately dancing away. The adrenaline rush keeps me pumping all night and no amount of coffee can give me such boost. As with the fashion sense, dancing is self defined. One of the best dancers I know is Keropok and boy he can move!
After months of not grooving to the Loft’s beat, Ah Sha and I finally made our way to Loft@ Zouk last week for a wonderful night out. I really missed going there and it’s not the clubbing or the dancing part that I miss but the very place itself had me longing to go there. See, that’s the magic of the place, it captivates you and the drawing factor is strong that you keep wanting to go back for more. It feels like an addiction of sorts, some people cannot live without their daily dose of coffee, while I live for the next moment to go to Loft and TAG.

Booze are cheap by KL standards. You can get a jug of margarita for RM25, 2 jugs of Long Island Tea for RM80 and this new concoction of stout, lime and wine (I forgot its name *horror*) for RM40 a jug. And of course they have all the alcohol you would expect from a club. How could i not mention this other thing... if you come before 12 midnight, there is no cover charge. Woo Hoo!! More reasons to love the place :)

I can't wait to get there again. I miss you Loft..... And the club is the best way to learn to work your shutter speed and flash of your camera so that you can CAMWHORE!!

Oh, did i mention famous people club here too? *Laughs*
Ah Sha here with the dude from One Buck Short.
I *heart* Loft.
The Loft @ Zouk
Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Cover charge: Free Entry before 12am (clubbing for free people!!)
Rm20 including 1 drink (Ladies / Men) after 12AM.