I met her while walking to the LRT station heading to the airport on a bright Monday morning. She was smack in the middle of the road and neighbours grouped around to admire her. She must have been afraid or still shaky because she didn’t budge even when cars honked her. And no wonder she attracted a crowd, she looks really cute. I paused to look at her.
5 days later as I was exiting home, something darted out of under the car. It was small, brown and it yelps. I turned around to find her staring in my face and boy, was I surprised. “Where in the world did you come from?”

Later my housemate Peter told me the whole story. Apparently she followed Peter back home when he came back from work and refused to leave. He felt pity for her, she was scared, hungry and all alone. So he figured, he’ll give some time for her to be found. Perhaps her owners are around looking all over for their adorable cute puppy. He’s been giving her food, shelter and most of all, love and attention. That is how Queenie came about to our home.
No one should be fooled by Queenie’s innocent looks. She’s really smart. The moment she hears the sound of keys from inside, she would be waiting at the door expecting someone to play with her. And she has an obsession for footwear, it could be anything – a sport shoe, slipper, sandals… those are her favourite play things. Now we keep all our shoes inside lest they become one with her digestion juices.

She has recently overcome her need for shoes but this time replaced with one far worse – our fingers! She loves snapping at them. But still, she’s very lovable. I have overcome my fear of dogs in one day since she arrived. Though Ryan would beg to differ when he had to console me several times that Queenie’s “attack” on my feet is merely play. I missed her very much when I was away for a week.
It is the nicest feeling to come home every day with her greeting me at the door, tail wagging hard. Playing with her is an excellent way to work out too, within 15 minutes, I’m drenched in sweat equivalent of my 2km run.

Now, she’s being taught basic commands like sit. I should also teach her how to spit things out. A couple of days back, my keys fell to the floor as I locked the door, she made a quick dash for it and happily left leaving me trapped inside my own house. She has the naughty moments like that but still nowhere close to Marley. Most of all, she’s well loved.