Wednesday, November 19, 2008

how do you...

...pick up the courage to admit something you're not willing to admit? and having to do the admitting part to someone else. or maybe you dont admit, but just tell/ confess/ ramble/ blurt out a string of words to try to explain what the hell you want to say. sounds complicated right? coz it is!

i am surprised at myself. i'm hardly the one who's scared to speak my mind. now i'm contended to just sit and do nothing although inside there is the incessant voice which refuses to shut up.

i just hope i dont regret this, regreting what i should have done or if its too late. afterall, i always say, no harm trying. if it doesn't work out, at least i've tried. hah... so much easier said than done.

so what do i do? try or don't even bother? seriously, it's a lil scary.


Crabbed!! said...

Read "The Road Not Taken" again....

Whichever road you take will eventually make you ponder on what's on the other side. Go for reasons instead of feelings..

You...we are adults now...Now, there's harm trying..

Azzam?? said...

jump!! if u're on the ledge.. just jump! =D

Ohkulala said...

crabbed: i've taken to waiting, i believe everything has a moment and mine is coming soon. then, ill tell.

azzam: eermmm, not yet la.